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2 How do I play ?


The fields 0 - 5 in the picture above belong to player one and the fields 6 - 11 belong to player two. The two yellow fields are called Mancala and they are the place where all the stones ( balls, numbers ) are collected. These are left empty at the start of the game and it is not possible to start from one of the two Mancalas or from one of the opponent's fields. The red colored field indicates that it has the focus and by pressing < ENTER > or by double clicking on it with the left mouse button, one can start to " seed " the stones. It is also possible to move the focus with the < TAB > key.
" Seeding " means that, for example, Player 1 collects the stones from the selected field and drops one stone into the next bowl on the right. One stone into the second bowl on the right, continuing around the board (counterclockwise) until he has no more stones in his hand.

Since many different sets of rules exist ( see: A brief history of Mancala ) I have implemented two different variations.( see: Rules )

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